July 2, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
15 double unders
Power snatch
Overhead squat

We’re spreading our double under practice across our lifting days to accomodate the holiday this week. Pick a volume and difficulty of jump rope that you can easily complete in about 15 seconds or less. You can definitely challenge yourself on the skill that you tackle, but don’t do so many that you end up on your rope for more than 15 seconds. Follow up with a power snatch and then an overhead squat; stay within your secure range of motion for the overhead squat, but see if you can very slightly increase that range of motion across the 10 rounds.

Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
1:30 to complete 6 toes to bar, then max calories
1:30 to complete 6 toes to bar, then rest

Start both the machine interval and the rest interval with a set of toes to bar. The rx volume is 6 reps per interval, which ends up being 60 reps total. Scale that per-round volume up or down as needed, but note that the calories are the only thing contributing to your score. If you’re worried that this workout will not be challenging enough, then sprint the machine interval. Don’t forget to do your last set of toes to bar on the last rest interval.

standard: 4 toes to bar per interval
rx: 6 toes to bar per interval
sport: 8 toes to bar per interval
metcon: 10×1:00 on, 0:30 off

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