July 22, 2024

5 sets of:
5 front squats, immediately into 5 strict pull ups

Increase front squat weight by 5-10 pounds across the board over last week. Target ~65% of your max front squat if you haven’t done this skill piece yet. Rest about 2 minutes between rounds.

This is our last day on this progression, so push that extra little bit to bump the weight up on your squats.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
21 box jump overs
12 toes to bar

Scale the target height on your toes to bar so that you can consistently hit sets of 3 throughout the workout. Settle into a steady pace on the box jump overs, and keep your footwork safe and consistent. If you’re pushing for a high round count, then hang on for large sets of toes to bar and keep your transitions between movements fast and fluid.

standard: 20/12 inches
rx and sport: 24/20 inches
metcon: 5×1:40 on, 0:20 off

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