July 23, 2024

EMOM for 4 minutes:
Squat snatch


8 minutes to work up to a max squat snatch

Once you get through the 4 minute emom you can slow down the pace of your lifting and load up to a heavy single or one rep max. If you’re lifting in Saturday’s Olympic lifting meet, be sure to note down your weights so that you have a sense of what to target.

Workout of the Day
One round through:
3 minutes of rowing for calories
3 minutes of clean and jerks
3 minutes of assault bike (not C2 bike) for calories
3 minutes of lateral burpees
Rest 1 minute between each 3 minute interval

Grab a barbell with which you’re able to hit steady singles without too much rest for the whole 3 minutes. Do your best to spread you effort evenly across all 3 movements; don’t let yourself slow down or take too much rest on anything, and avoid pushing into a sprint until the last minute (or less) on the burpees. Add up all of your reps and calories.

standard: 95/65
rx: 135/95
sport: 155/105
metcon: 4×3:00 on, 1:00 off

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