July 26, 2024

5 rounds:
One unbroken set of kipping pull ups
1 minute rest
One unbroken set of toes to bar
1 minute rest

Refer back to Friday, June 21st, and use the same scaling options that you did that day. Push to get a few more reps per set on each movement. If you didn’t do this back in June, then scale both movements so that you can get at least 5 reps per set per movement, on average, across all 5 rounds. Use a band to scale the pull ups, and scale the toes to bar by reducing the target range of motion. Try to be strict about holding yourself to one minute of rest between your sets!

Workout of the Day
3 rounds for time:
20 kettlebell swings
20 goblet lunges
400 meter run

18 minute time cap

Pick a kettlebell that you’re comfortable swinging and hanging onto for large lunge sets. You shouldn’t have to rest for more than a few breaths between sets on both movements. Treat the first 200 meters of the run as recovery if needed, but try to pick it up on the way back to the gym every round. If you’re looking for a challenge, go unbroken on the swings, rest briefly, go unbroken on the lunges, and then immediately hit the run at a strong pace.

standard: 16/12 kg
rx: 24/16 kg
sport: 32/24 kg
metcon: 3×4:00 on, 1:00 off

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