EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Hang Squat Clean
We’re working on lifting technique today. Start by deadlifting the bar into the hang position. You will then retrace the bar slightly down your legs by bending first at the knees and then bowing forward with the hips. Pull into full extension and squat clean the bar. Practice catching the bar with your elbows up and bearing the load on your torso. If you are new to lifting practice a smooth transition from where you catch the bar into the bottom of your squat. Plan to add weight as you go to end up with a few challenging lifts in the last 2-3 minutes. If you are confident with this lift and are feeling good build up to a PR attempt in minute 10!
AMRAP in 12 minutes *
Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
* 8 Alternating dumbbell hang snatch 50/35 lb EMOM
Workout notes
Today’s workout will be scored by the total number of wall ball shots you complete in twelve minutes. Starting at 0:00 you will complete a set of eight alternating dumbbell hang snatches. In the hang snatch you will deadlift the dumbbell to the hang postion and drive the weight overhead by aggressively opening the hips to create vertical hip drive. Ideally the weight you choose will be one you can get all eight reps in a single set. If you are forced to break up the set early in the workout you have chosen a weight that is too heavy.