July 30, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes
3 Power Snatch

Perform three power snatches every minute for a total of 10 rounds. You can choose to link your reps together or perform three singles, but make sure you’re able to get all 3 reps done within each minute.  The weight you choose should be in the  moderate effort range.  An appropriate weight would likely be 65-70% or less for newer lifters. Consider starting with a weight you are very familiar with and increasing by small increments if  the lifts are going well.  Even though we are not squatting in this version of the snatch, make sure to drop underneath the bar slightly as you catch it with your hips behind you.  If mobility is an issue for you, talk to your coach about practicing a split snatch!


AMRAP in 12 Minutes
3 Push-up
6 Jumping alternating lunge steps
9 Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a time priority triplet with two bodyweight movements and a familiar weighted movement.   The total rep count is low for each movement so we’re looking for a scaling standard that has you easily performing each movement unbroken while fresh.  In a workout like this transition time will add up so do your best to move quickly between movements!

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