8 minutes of:
5 strict ring dips
10 second ring support hold
20 second L-sit
Move straight from the last strict dip into the 10 second support hold, but take your time transitioning into and out of your L-sit. Go for quality on all three movements rather than total round count. Scale the dips with a band or with feet on the ground so that you can hit the 5 reps plus 10 second support unbroken for most of the 8 minutes.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds for time:
8 kipping pull ups
12 hang power snatches
200 meter run
15 minute time cap
This workout is a repeat with a twist from two weeks ago. Stick with a light and manageable barbell weight so that you can always hit the 12 reps in one or two sets. Scale the pull ups so that they never take more than 3 or 4 quick sets to finish.
standard: 55/45
rx: 75/55
sport: 75/55, chest to bar pull ups
metcon: 3×3:30 on, 0:30 off