July 5, 2024

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
3 strict pull ups
3 kipping pull ups
20 second plank hold

Scale your strict pull ups with a band or by doing ring rows; 3 unbroken reps should be possible across the whole AMRAP. Practice the kipping swing or a banded kipping pull up if you aren’t quite there on the unassisted kipping pull up (banded kipping pull ups are a very useful tool, and it’s worth getting comfortable with them so that you can take advantage of their benefits). Feel free to drop down between your strict and kipping pull up sets, but if you’re feeling strong you can try pushing back from the last strict rep and going straight into your kip.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
21 sit ups
15 box jump overs
9 push ups

We’re rounding out the week with a simple bodyweight AMRAP; scale the push ups to a difficulty that lets you avoid doing singles for the majority of the workout. Switch to regular box jumps or box step overs if the box jump overs are too challenging. Try to keep your pace steady and your transitions quick.

standard: 20/12 inches
rx: 24/20 inches
sport: 24/20 inches, hand release push ups

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