In teams of two or three:
3 Rounds for time
40 Sandbag clean 100/70lb
500M uneven farmer carry
We’ll be tackling today’s workout in pairs or in groups of three. Grab a sandbag, kettlebell and also a dumbbell that you and your partner(s) can agree on. Start out by knocking out a set of forty sandbag cleans over the shoulder trading reps with your group as you see fit. The work doesn’t have to be distributed evenly but share the work so that all partners are sharing in the effort. After you finish up the cleans one partner will pick up both objects and make their way onto the 500M track. Go right out of the roll up doors and make your way around the entire property along second street and back in via the western most 2nd street entrance. Switch between you and your partners as needed. Considering the difficulty of both movements we’re looking at a fairly long workout so break up the work often and as needed in order to move as quickly possible!