July 7, 2015


Front Squat

Today we’re performing 5 sets of 8 Squats working up to a heavy set. This rep range is may be unfamiliar so spend some time thinking about how you would perform a large set of heavy squats. The best strategy is to take a moment to take a few slow and deep breaths at the top of every rep to allow some recovery before you start your next rep.  This will help you to avoid hitting failure but will be difficult with a front squat as resting in the front squat is much harder than catching your breath in a back squat.  A weight that is in the 60-65% range would be appropriate for more experienced lifters.  Start light with an an empty bar and make sure you are performing all of your reps to your full range of motion.  We do this not only to warm each joint through it’s entire range but to reinforce proper mechanics.  Maintain an upright and rigid torso through each rep.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
5 Push Press 135/95lbs
10 Push-Ups
60 Seconds Rest

Workout notes: The theme for this workout is arms! We don’t usually do isolated movements and even though this workout might seem that way both movements incorporate the midline extensively. As always work with an appropriate weight overhead. We’re looking for both arms working in uniform and weight light enough for you to not perform a push jerk.  As you dip and drive throw your head back and out of the way lock your legs and finish with the arms. With the format of this workout choosing a weight you can do unbroken for a while would be a great idea.

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