EMOM for 10 minute
2 hang power cleans
Spend ten minutes working up in weight for a hang power clean double. Plan to hang on to the bar to complete both reps. The first thing you will do is deadlift the bar up to the hang. Hook grip will go a long way to feel like you have a strong grip on the bar and a strong pull. When you’re ready keep your chest up as you bend your knees, bow forward and then use your legs and hips to send the weight up to your shoulders. You’ll want to make sure to catch each lift in a power position and as always focus on fast elbows!
Workout of the Day
10 rounds for time
10 jumping lunges
4 strict presses
Before starting this workout spend some time testing out a good weight for your strict presses. You’ll want to start with something that you can complete four reps in a row with. If you end up having to break it up towards the end of the workout that is totally fine. The other movement for today will be jumping lunges. These can be tricky so give a few a try and do your best to catch yourself in a bit of a wider stance than you might do a normal lunge while you lower your knee to the floor in a controlled way. This can make it easier to keep your balance going into the next jump. Jumping lunges can always be scaled to normal walking lunges. If you need to scale today’s workout plan to complete seven or eight rounds for time instead of ten.
standard: 75/55 lb
rx: 95/65 lb
sport: 115/185 lb
overachiever: 135/95 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you are working with a dumbbell or kettlebell you can switch arms every round for the strict presses or do two reps on each arm in each round. Jumping lunges can always be scaled to normal walking lunges and if you need to scale the volume down you can plan to complete seven or eight rounds for time instead of ten. See you on the leaderboard!