July 9, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
Power snatch with a 3 second freeze in the catch
Overhead squat with a 3 second freeze in the bottom

We’re spending some time practicing stability in the catch and squat positions for snatching. Limit your load and range of motion so that it isn’t agonizing to spend a full 3 seconds frozen at the bottom of both reps. Stand up after the power snatch before starting the overhead squat.

Workout of the Day
For time:
Overhead squat
Lateral burpee

15 minute time cap

Choose a barbell weight that lets you keep your overhead squats unbroken through roughly the first half of the workout. It should be light enough that there’s no real sticking point in your pacing. If the overhead position is sketchy on your shoulders, pull it down to a front squat. The ascending rep scheme can be a tough one if you start off too frantic, so stay calm even if you’re moving quickly; any time lost at the start by taking an extra breath or two can typically be made up at the end with the poise and energy spared.

standard: 75/55
rx: 95/65
sport: 115/85
metcon: 5×1:20 on, 0:40 off

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