June 1, 2023

6 sets of 4 deadlifts
Immediately after each set, complete one large set of push ups
Target deadlift percentages: 75% for 3 sets, 80% for 3 sets

Shoot for at least ten push ups on each set. We’re bumping the rep count up by 1 on each deadlift set this week, but see if you can maintain the same loads that you used last week.

Workout of the Day
3 rounds for time:
400 m run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pull ups (strict or kipping)

15 minute time cap

This one’s a classic benchmark whose format sneaks its way into countless workouts. The lighter swing weight and smaller pull up volume reflect the old load standards. If you’re able to hit both the swings and the pull ups unbroken, you’ll have to push the pace on the run to find your speed. Ring rows and banded pull ups are both excellent scaling options.

standard: 16/12 kg
rx: 24/16 kg
sport: 24/16 kg, unbroken swings & pull ups, fast transitions

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