3 Rounds of
1 Minute V-Ups
1 Minute Arch Hold
1 Minute Plank Hold
1 Minute Rest
We’re serving a tasty dish of mixed core work today. You’ll have three attempts at each movement. There is one minute allocated for work at each station and we’ll start with the most difficult movement and progress to the easier movements before getting a minute rest to recover. Do your best to work continuously at each station for the full minute.
3 Rounds for time
10 Clean & Jerks 185/135 lb
400M Run
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a three round couplet with a moderately weighted barbell movement and a short run. Use a load that is somewhere in the 60% range of your 1RM but a bit higher than what you might use in a metcon where you saw 135/95 as the benchmark. For most of us the best strategy will be to perform single repetitions in quick succession so you can push the pace on the run.