2RM Strict weighted pull-up
Work up to a strong effort two rep max weighted pull-up. Perform sets 0f 2 or more strict pull-ups without weight rather than kipping if you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups. If you do not have strict pull-ups yet perform 5-10 sets for max reps of supine ring rows, jumping pull-ups with a slow negative, banded pull-ups with as little assistance as possible or a combination of any of these 3 options.
5 Rounds with 1 minute on each station
Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
Power snatch 75/55 lb
We have an interval style workout for today with five opportunities to work at each of two stations. You will be working for a minute at each station with an equal amount of rest. With rest in every round you should use this opportunity to try and keep a high level of intensity at each station for the duration of the workout. For the wall ball shots use a weight with which you can work through most of the minute with a small number of larger sets rather than slugging away with a heavy ball and getting a couple of reps at a time. When it comes to the snatches you want to use a weight light enough that you can hang onto it for “Touch and Go” sets. The weight you choose should not be so heavy that you are forced to perform single repetitions at any point. We’ll score this workout by the total number of wall ball shots + snatches so you should have one big number at the end of the workout.