EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Slow pull squat clean
Today’s skill work has us working on positional awareness in the first pull of the squat clean. Start by lifting the bar from the floor as you keep your hips low and your back upright. Practice pulling the bar off of the floor under control and gradually increase speed without compromising your upper body positioning. As the bar passes your knees, violently open the hips to create vertical lift and quickly drop into a receiving position. When you catch the bar in the bottom of your squat drive the bar upward aggressively to finish the rep. You will have ten opportunities to work on this lift so make every rep count. Remember that this is skill work so maxing out your lift is not a priority. Start light and work up to a moderate load that allows you to test a reasonable weight but do not sacrifice your mechanics.
for time
50 Pull-ups
400M Run 50
400M Run
50 Sit-ups
400M Run
50 Squats
400M Run
Workout notes
Today’s workout follows the same chipper pattern as the CrossFit Girls workout “Angie” but we’re cutting the volume of each movement in half and inserting a run after each station. You’ll still find difficulty in the high rep counts but were starting with what is probably the toughest and progressing to the easiest. Adding the runs gives you a bit of recovery during those first two, arm heavy sets but they’ll take up a large chunk of your time so keep the intensity high and move as quickly as you can sustain!