7 rounds:
0:30 to complete 7 power snatches, then max lateral burpees in the remaining time
1:00 rest
Use a weight that lets you go fast and unbroken every round. The goal is to move quickly and confidently through easy power snatches before getting into the burpee sprint.
standard: 45/35
rx&sport: 75/55
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
2 minutes to run 200 meters
2 minutes of calories (row, bike, or ski)
Any time you have left over at the end of the run is yours to rest in, so be sure to pick a distance that gets you a solid minute of rest each round. 2 minutes is a long push on the machine; use a strong pace, but definitely not a sprint. Record total calories.
standard, rx, & sport: as written
metcon: 5×2:00 on, 2:00 off