7RM Front Squat
Today we’re tackling some heavy high rep front squats. With the front squat we want to focus on keeping the elbows up and chest as upright as possible. As with any kind of squatting you’ll want to practice keeping your knees out and tracking over your feet. Remember to release the grip on the bar a bit in the front squat and load the bar onto your torso which should help you keep your elbows and chest up. 7 reps is A LOT for a heavy weight so go in with a plan and use your first set to test out how you handle the 7 reps and build across several sets.
AMRAP in 7 Minutes
2 Push-ups
1 Jumping Pull-Up
Workout notes: This workout is all about speed! Scale to a push-up method that you are certain you can maintain sets of two for most of the workout. Perform the strictest push-up possible with that method. Jump to a bar that is outside of your reach for your pull-up. You may jump as high as you can to make that pull-up easier and then pass through a portion of a strict pull-up. Consider using a “mixed” grip to make latching onto the bar easier. To make counting easy score this workout by counting your total number of jumping pull-ups performed and any additional push-ups in an uncompleted round. This workout is a repeat and one of our favorites!