June 27, 2018


EMOM for 21 Minutes
[1’s] 30 Seconds of overhead squats 95/65 lb
[2’s] 30 Seconds of rowing for calories
[3’s] 30 Seconds of double unders

Our skill work today is another bout of our intensity training! Today you’ll have seven attempts at each of three basic CrossFit movements. Use thirty seconds of each minute to attempt your highest possible work capacity in the allotted time and then alternate stations so you end up with seven rounds on each. If classes are busy we can partner up or start on different movements.  The most difficult movement will probably be the overhead squat. The benchmark load is on the lighter side but the movement is unfamiliar so be conservative with the weight you choose.  If mobility is an issue use this opportunity to test a light weight and practice your deepest range of motion with a PVC pipe or empty barbell.  Scale to front squats if overhead squats are out of the question.


AMRAP in 5 Minutes
Burpee box jumps 24/20″

Workout notes

Our workout today is a short but sweet single element piece.  You’ll have five minutes to complete as many burpee box jumps as possible.  Five minutes may seem short but for a single movement the difficulty level will be high.  For most of us the best option will be to start out with a pace where you can move continuously for the full five minutes and work to keep moving as fatigue sets in.

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