EMOM for 10 minutes
[odd] 30 seconds wall facing handstand
[even] 30 second arch hold
Today’s skill work involves two gymnastic positions. On every odd minute hold a handstand for as much of thirty seconds as you are capable. Ideally we’ll hold the handstand facing the wall in a tight hollow body position. If you are new to the movement you can practice kicking up with your back facing the wall or use a box to and hold a pike position with your torso vertical and hips bent. On the even minutes hold an arch or superman on the floor with your arms outstretched and legs extended. For an extra challenge try this with a PVC pipe.
for time
50 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
200 M run with med ball
35 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
200 M run with med ball
20 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
200 M run with med ball
Workout notes
Today we’ll be hanging on to a medicine ball for the entire workout. We have a total of one hundred and five reps in three rounds. Plan on starting each round with a large set and chipping away at the rest of the reps to get out on the run.