June 28, 2024

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
3 strict toes to bar
3 kipping toes to bar
20 second plank hold

Scale the strict and the kipping toes to bar to the same target height. Feel free to drop off the bar between the strict and the kipping, but try to string them together without dropping if you’d like and extra challenge. You may have to add an extra wind-up swing as you come down from the final strict rep.

Workout of the Day
4 rounds:
1:20 of wall balls
1:20 of calories
1:20 of rest

Opening each round with wall balls means that you’ll be relatively fresh on them. Take the opportunity to push for larger sets than you otherwise would. If you really want a challenge, then start each wall ball interval with the largest unbroken set that you can manage before following it up with quicker, smaller sets.

standard: 12/8 pounds
rx: 20/14 pounds
sport: 30/20 pounds
metcon: 4×2:40 on, 1:20 off

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