June 29, 2018

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Work up to a heavy single deadlift today.  This doesn’t necessarily mean you go up to max effort, but work up in weight as you feel comfortable. Judge your effort by the strain it takes you to achieve each lift.  New lifters should keep the load light and work on proper body mechanics as they increase in weight.  Start with a light weight and make sure that you have established a straight back and an  appropriate setup as you address the bar.  Be sure to maintain your posture as you increase in weight.  Warm up with multiple reps as you build in weight and when the bar starts to feel heavy drop to singles until you’ve hit your max for the day.


AMRAP in 7 Minutes
3 Power clean 205/145 lb
6 Toe-to-bar
9 push-up

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a time priority triplet with two difficult bodyweight movements and a heavy weight lifting movement.  Use a load that is on the moderately heavy side but still well below your max effort power clean.  You should be able to perform three single repetitions consecutively with short rest but this is a good time to test a little heavier weight than usual.  If you go touch and go for the entire workout you may have gone too light.  Scale your push-ups and toe-to-bar to a standard that keeps the original stimulus intact but use a standard you can maintain for seven minutes!



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