5 sets of 5 deadlifts
Target ~70%
Immediately after each set of deadlifts, complete one hard set of strict pull ups or ring rows.
Rest a minute or two between rounds
Scale the pull ups to a difficulty that lets you hit about 4-8 reps each round.
We’ll be switching our push up superset progression over to one that works on strict pull ups; you should be able to hit the same weights on your deadlifts that you were doing on the previous progression. Consider adding a bit to the barbell if those ended up feeling pretty easy by the end.
Workout of the Day
3 rounds:
2 minutes of dumbbell push jerks
1 minute of rest
2 minutes of goblet squats
1 minute of rest
At the start of every 2 minute work interval, complete 10/6 calories.
Happy Birthday, Kirsten, Hannah, and Jen! This workout has a few of these three’s favorite movements in them. Stick with a comfortable dumbbell, and try to push the pace on the machine so that you finish with plenty of time to rack up reps on the push jerks and goblet squats. Your score for this one is the sum of all of your push jerks and goblet squats.
For large classes, one group will stagger their start to be 1 minute behind the first group so that they can share a machine.
standard: 35/20
rx and sport: 50/35
metcon: 6×2:00 on, 1:00 off