AMRAP in 8 minutes:
15 second L sit
8 push ups
We’re capping off a barbell-heavy week with an all-bodyweight session on what’s looking like it will be an extremely hot day. Pay attention to your body and modify your intensity on these super hot days based off how well prepared you are; if you didn’t get much sleep, or much food, or much water, or you’ve spent a lot of time outside already, then dial the intensity back. Be smart and be safe.
Scale the push ups so that they take no more than 45 seconds to complete.
Workout of the Day
For time:
Strict pull up
Burpee box jump over
20 minute time cap
Challenge yourself on the pull up difficulty today, and then push hard to keep a fast pace on the burpee box jump overs between your pull ups. Holding sets of 2 or 3 across the workout on the pull ups is totally fine (refer to the 20 minute time cap). If you’re looking for a more challenging volume, check out the sport option below.
standard: 20/12″ box
rx: 24/20″ box
sport: 24/20″ box, 21-15-9-9-15-21 instead of 21-15-9
metcon: 3×4:00 on, 1:00 off