June 5, 2019


Strict Pull-Up with pause at top of pull-up

Spend some time today focusing on strict pull-up strength.  Hold your chin over the bar momentarily after you reach the top of your pull-up and then practice a controlled descent for every rep. Don’t worry about pausing for an extended amount of time but just make sure you get your chin over the bar without straining your neck and dropping off of the bar without control.   If you are using a band choose one that makes the three reps challenging and try to implement the pause at the top.  If you are doing ring rows, pause momentarily with the rings in contact with your chest for each rep and consider upping the rep count to 5 or 7.  If you can do strict pull-ups but three reps is too much of a challenge, choose a number that you can repeat for ten sets or around 20-30 total reps. If you are an expert at pull-ups add some weight or give the peg-board a try.


AMRAP in 20 Minutes

2 Front rack walking lunge steps 155/105 lb
4 Front squats 155/105 lb
8 Push-ups

Workout notes

This workout is a long duration triplet with low rep counts for each movement.  Considering the lower rep count the suggested load on the barbell steps is heavier than usual.  If you do choose to test a heavier weight than what you normally use be sure to use a load with which you can easily complete the lunges and squats in quick succession when fresh.  You don’t necessarily need to go “unbroken” during the workout but don’t use a weight that makes it impossible.  The highest volume movement will come in push-ups.  In a long workout like this your push-ups will inevitably fall off so plan on adding rest and breaking them up early and often if needed.  Choose a scaling option that you can maintain for all twenty minutes.  We’re probably looking at a fairly high round count for this workout so transition quickly between movements and aim to keep the intensity up for the entire workout.

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