At Home WOD
AMRAP 15 minutes
bench dips
weighted step-ups
Workout Notes
Find a sturdy box or bench (or something like it) for today’s workout. At the very least, use chairs for your bench dips and convert the weighted step-ups to weighted lunges. Start the workout with two bench dips. Stack your elbows over your wrists, descend to parallel, and press up to full extension. The further away your feet are, the more difficult the movement becomes. Bring your feet closer and bend your knees to make it a little easier. Next, knock out two weighted step ups. Hold your equipment however you prefer and stand all the way up on to your box or bench. Add two reps to each round until the time runs out. Make sure to check your triceps out in the mirror when you’re done. I would even recommend wearing a tank top for the rest of the day just to flex (literally) on all of your haters. Your score will be the round that you completed both the bench dips and weighted step-ups, plus any extra reps. Happy Friday!