June 7, 2018


10×1 Lunge Kick to Freestanding handstand OR Handstand Walk practice

Make several attempts to kick into and hold a free standing handstand.  For beginners start by just gently rocking up into the upside down position and increase the height of your legs with each attempt.  Don’t go all out in the beginning and turn over too far.  Make sure to start with locked out arms and have a bail out plan or partner assist in place so you don’t come crashing down.  If you are new to this skill start against a wall with some handstand holds or wall walks if you are not quite ready to kick up yet.  If you are comfortable kicking in to a freestanding handstand on your own spend today’s skill work time practicing walking on your hands!


for time

50 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9 ‘
100 Walking lunge steps
50 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9 ‘
100 Walking lunge steps
50 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9 ‘

Workout notes

Today we have a couplet of two movements that come in the form a of a chipper!  You are tasked with three sets of wall ball shots and two large sets of bodyweight lunge steps.  Focus on keep your chest up during both movements.  Avoid having the chest cave in at the bottom of your wall ball shot or lunge step.  Remember that your knee should be tracking in line with your foot during the squat and lunge.  It’s okay if the knee comes past the toes a bit during the squat but try to avoid that during the lunge.


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