June 8, 2019


Tabata Row for calories
Tabata Alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
Tabata Box Jumps 24/20″
Tabata Thrusters 45/35 lb

One minute rest between tabatas

Workout notes

We will be using the Tabata interval for today’s workout.  The interval is eight rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest.  We’ll work for a full eight rounds on each movement with a minute rest to transition and recover between stations.   For the row you’ll want to wind up the flywheel quickly and hold a higher pace than you normally would in an interval workout with a longer duration. Do you your best to moderate your work so you score close to the same number of calories in each round. One extra calorie in a round likely won’t be worth the effort. For the snatches and thrusters use a weight with which you can work through most of the twenty second interval. Pace your box jumps by resting momentarily on top of the box and trying to hold a set cadence for all eight rounds.  We’ll score this workout in the same way you would score the workout “Fight Gone Bad” Count all of the reps you accumulate at each station and come up with one big score.   With all the rest periods that means you have the opportunity to keep the intensity high so treat each twenty second work period as a mini AMRAP.

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