At Home WOD
5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 burpees
Workout Notes
Today’s workout is a time priority triplet. Map out your quarter-mile track and get going! You should have this route dialed by now (you might even have multiple). Once you come back from the run, get right onto your piece of equipment and start banging out those sumo deadlift high pulls. Start with your stance outside your shoulders, drive your piece of equipment straight up to collarbone height with a narrow grip. Keep your elbows high, avoid overextending your lower back, and keep your ribs tucked down. Finish each round with twenty burpees. Don’t be afraid to push the pace! Use the first part of your run as recovery if need be. Consider cutting the workout down to three or four rounds if you are looking for a scaling option. Let your coaches know if you have any questions and don’t forget to tune into the 12pm zoom class with coach Alex H.