March 15, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
Squat clean thruster plus two thrusters

Get some practice cycling directly into a thruster rep out of a clean in preparation for tomorrow’s Open workout. Follow up with two smooth full range of motion thrusters. Rather than maxing out on this complex, focus on getting comfortable with weights that are relatively easy to tackle in this slower skill context, but would be quite heavy and extremely tough for the larger sets in tomorrow’s workout.

Workout of the Day
4 rounds:
90 seconds of burpee box jumps
90 seconds of calories
90 seconds of rest

We’re taking a day for some bodyweight work before the final Open workout tomorrow. Settle into a steady conditioning pace and get sweaty! If you feel like pushing it today, then try to find the max sustainable pace that you can maintain for 90 seconds on your machine, either in watts (assault bike) or in calories per hour (rower/ski/c2 bike)

standard: 20/12 inch box
rx and sport: 24/20 inch box
metcon: 4×3:00 on, 1:30 off

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