March 18, 2019


10×1 Lunge Kick to Freestanding handstand OR Handstand Walk practice

Hooray for handstand day!  Bodyweight skills are just as important as weightlifting if you are looking to be a well rounded CrossFitter.   If you are new to this skill start by gently kicking up to a wall or practice wall walks like we did on Friday to build the upper body strength and midline positioning that this skill requires. If you are comfortable in a handstand start by gently rocking up onto your hands and increase the height of your legs with each attempt.  Save yourself from a crash and burn by being conservative and trying to find a vertical balance point before you start barreling across the gym.  You will need to be able to hang out upside down with locked out arms so have a bail out plan or partner assist in place if this is new to you.  If you are comfortable kicking in to a freestanding handstand on your own spend today practicing walking on your hands or try tackling an obstacle or two!


Tabata Pull-ups
Tabata Front Squats 135/95 lb
Tabata Push-ups
Tabata Hang power cleans 135/95 lb

1 Minute rest between each Tabata

Workout notes

We will be using the Tabata interval for today’s workout.  Each Tabata interval is four minutes long with eight rounds of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest.  Your score will be based on traditional Tabata scoring so track your rep counts in each work period and record the lowest of all eight rounds.  After you have completed all four stations add up each of your lowest scores to come up with one number.  For example, if your lowest scores were five pull-ups, five front squats, five push-ups and five hang power cleans, your final score would be the sum of those numbers equaling out to a score of twenty. With Tabata scoring the emphasis is on a sustainable output so do yourself a favor and don’t start with max effort at each station just to hit failure in the eighth round and bomb out at that station. At the same time, don’t sell yourself short and end up feeling like you could have done a few extra reps each round at the end of the workout. Do your best to walk that line so you can maintain consistent work at each station and for the duration of the workout.

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