March 19, 2019


Every 90 seconds for five rounds
straight set of kipping toe-to-bar then thirty seconds of double unders

Today’s skill work features two movements.  We’ll use an interval timer set at ninety seconds. You will have five opportunities to knock out a large set of kipping toe-to-bar.  As soon as you come off the the pull-up bar knock out thirty seconds work of double unders.  Rest during the remainder of the time and be ready for another set of toe-to-bar as the next interval starts.  Remember that this is skill work so you should be working larger but sustainable sets if you have toe-to-bar.  If you are new to the movement scale to knee raises or sustainable sets of kipping swings building to a toe-to-bar.


4 Rounds for time

400M Run
21 Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
12 One arm overhead walking lunge steps 32/24 kg

Workout notes

This workout will be scored by the total time it takes you to complete all four rounds.  We’ll start each round with a familiar 400M run. Once inside the gym you have a large set of kettlebell swings and a small set of one arm overhead walking lunges. You will be using the same kettlebell for your lunges and your kettlebell swings. The benchmark load for the lunges is on the heavy side so remember to give that movement some attention. The overhead walking lunge is likely more difficult than the kettlebell swings to adjust your weight based on that movement.  You can break up the reps by switching arms as you see fit but do try to distribute the work evenly.  If overhead mobility is an issue scale to a goblet style lunge with the kettlebell held at the chest or leave the weight out of the lunge completely.


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