EMOM for 10 minutes
1 power clean + hang power clean
Spend 10 minutes working up in weight with a power clean and hang power clean in the same minute. It is up to you if you choose to hang on to the bar for both reps. If you drop the bar between reps make sure that the second rep starts with a deadlift to the hang position before starting the hang power clean. For both reps focus on powerful hips, fast elbows and dropping under the bar slightly to catch each rep.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 hang power cleans
20 sit-ups
Today’s workout is a straightforward ten minute couplet. Choose a weight for your barbell that you are comfortable moving for multiple reps. Use the sit-ups as a bit of a recovery so that you can transition quickly to get right back on the barbell.
standard: 95/65 lb
rx: 135/95 lb
sport: 155/105 lb
overachiever: 185/135 lb