March 23, 2023

5 rounds:
30 seconds of light wall balls
30 second of drag rope (singles or doubles)
1 minute of rest

Pick a significantly lighter wall ball (4-6 pounds lighter) than you normally use. Focus on keeping your hands close to each other underneath the wall ball, rather than holding it from the sides. The idea behind this skill work is to give you a chance to practice your technique and increase your efficiency at a low load outside of a workout context. We do the same thing for every barbell lift, and the movements benefit from it. I’d recommend limiting yourself to 10 wall balls each round so that you save your legs for the workout.

Workout of the Day
For time:
Wall ball

After each set of wall balls, complete:
15 pull ups (strict or kipping) and a 500 m run

18 minute time cap

Coach Christine came up with essentially this exact workout as a scaling option for a member at last Wednesday’s 4:30, and it was too good to pass up putting into the programming. Thanks, Christine! Sorry, Steven!

Scale your pull ups to a difficulty that lets you finish in 2-3 sets fresh. Pick a wall ball weight that you can hit sets of 10 with the whole way through.

standard: 12/8
rx: 20/14
sport: 20/14, chest to bar

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