March 25, 2016


EMOM for 10 Minutes
[Odd] 5-10 Kipping Swings
[Even] :30 Plank Hold

Today’s skill practice might seem simple but these are the building blocks for increasing your work capacity in many of CrossFit’s basic gymnastic movements. The key is generating efficient core to extremity power transfer.  Practice perfect kipping swings and strengthen your midline!


AMRAP in 15 Minutes
10 Pull-Ups
10 Two Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 45/30 lb
200M Run

Workout notes: The two arm dumbbell hang power clean is taken from below the waist with straight arms and brought up to the shoulders. Spend some time figuring out what an appropriate weight would be for you. Your grip will be somewhat fatigued from the pull-up sets so choose a weight you know you can perform in 1-2 sets. Kettlebells are an option instead of the dumbbells as well!


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