March 30, 2015


Back Squat


Today we’re performing 5 sets of 5 with increasing weight across all sets.  Start light with an an empty bar and make sure you are performing all of your reps to your full range of motion.  We do this not only to warm each joint through it’s entire range but to reinforce proper mechanics.  Maintain an upright and rigid torso through each rep.  Work up to a strong effort set of 5 without hitting failure but be sure to review how to ditch a back squat and use spotters when needed.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
30 Double Under
10 One Arm Kettlebell Clean & Jerk 32/24kg (5left, 5 right)

Workout notes: The prescribed load on the kettlebell is fairly heavy so scale accordingly.  We’re looking for Clean & Jerks you could perform in sets of 5 when you are fresh. That’s ground to overhead for each rep.  You may have to break them up when you get fatigued but if you are doing them one at a time from 3-2-1 go you may have gone too heavy.

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