March 4, 2018


AMRAP in 20 Minutes
10 Strict Press 75/55 lb
20 Sit-ups
10 Broad jumps alongside barbell, plate to plate 4.5′

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a time priority triplet with a strict weightlifting movement coupled with two bodyweight movements.  Spend some time figuring out what your strict press weight should be.  Just like the strict pull-ups from yesterday, most of us will need to break up the strict press during the course of the workout.  Ideally you choose a weight you can easily do for a set of ten while fresh. We’ll be doing broad jumps today and we’ll use the barbell as your measuring stick. With a loaded barbell the distance between plates is about four and half feet.  Jump that distance for each rep in the set of ten.  Your score will be your total number of completed rounds and additional reps in 20 minutes.



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