March 4, 2019


8 Rounds of

20 seconds hollow hold
10 seconds arch hold

The timing for this skill work is a twist on the familiar Tabata interval.  We’ve also seen a similar version of this a few weeks ago where we used the same movements but with opposite timing.  Today we’re going to step up the difficulty quite a bit by doubling the time during the hollow hold work period.  Remember that the hollow hold isn’t just about raising your legs and arms off of the floor.  Focus on contracting your midline so your low back makes steady contact with the floor. Scale by pulling in your arms or your legs if needed but do your best to hold that position. Your total work time is four minutes but don’t be fooled into thinking the benchmark for this skill work will be easy.  We’re essentially doing four straight minutes of core work which is a hard task for anyone. Most of us will need to scale by holding the movements for as long as possible and adding in some rest to get through all eight rounds. Do your best to hold the same standard in all eight rounds.


10 rounds of 30 seconds at each station

two arm dumbbell clean & jerk 50/35lb
row for calories

Workout notes

Today we have an interval style workout spanning a total of twenty minutes.  You will work for thirty seconds at each of two stations with thirty seconds rest so each “round” is two minutes long.  For the dumbbell clean and jerk you should be using a weight light enough that you can work for most of the thirty second work period by completing a few large sets.  On the rower we have a very short sprint so try to wind up the flywheel as quickly as possible and keep your pace a little bit higher than you would in an average metcon. If classes are large and rowers and being shared make sure to practice fast transitions both in and out of the rower before the workout begins.


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