May 1, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes

1 Power clean + 1 Squat clean

We’re working on some more weightlifting skill work today. You will have ten opportunities to complete a clean complex.  The loads could potentially be on the heavy side so touch and go is an option but not necessary. Start with a power clean by catching the bar above parallel and in a partial squat. Bring the bar back to the floor and complete a second clean, this time dropping into the bottom of your full squat.  Ideally you’ll land in the same stance as you receive the bar at the shoulders for both versions of the clean but you’ll drop deeper into your squat in the second rep.  You can work up to a heavy load but remember that this is positional work so you should be using sub maximal weights and focus on hitting each position in the lifts.


7 rounds of 30 seconds on each station

Strict Pull-ups
Two arm dumbbell front squats 50/35 lb

Workout notes

Today’s workout is an interval workout with fairly short work periods along with a short rest period as well.  Each round is ninety seconds total with thirty seconds of pull-ups, thirty seconds of squats after seven rounds will finish at the ten minute mark.  Thirty seconds is not a lot of time to get in and out of a band so if you are scaling the pull-ups a good option would be jumping pull-ups or ring rows.  Use dumbbells that you can hang on to most of those thirty seconds rather than going so heavy you can only knock out a few reps.

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