Workout of the Day
5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off
6 alternating dumbbell power cleans
5 goblet squats
4 push-ups
We’ve got a fun interval workout to kick things off this week! All you will need for today is one dumbbell. You’ll be working through reps of dumbbell power cleans and goblet squats with your weight and then capping things off with strict push-ups. You’ve heard it a thousand times by now but, hold yourself to a high standard on the push-ups. Whether you are working from your toes, knees or with your hands on a box make sure that your whole body is moving up and down together, making contact with your chest at the ground, and pressing all the way out at the top. If you are breaking at the hips during your push-ups you are decreasing the difficulty of this movement. Keeping push-ups strict will pay off! You can do it! Treat each three minute interval as it’s own mini workout and keep track of your rounds plus reps for each. At the end of the five rounds you will add up all of your rounds and all of your extra reps to find your score. Happy Monday CFD!
standard: 35/20 lb
rx: 50/35 lb
sport: 65/45 lb, SHSPU
overachiever: 75/55 lb, SHSPU