7 rounds of
20 Seconds of lateral burpees over the bar
40 seconds rest
20 Seconds of TnG Power cleans
40 seconds rest
Today’s skill work is another episode in our intensity training! You will have seven attempts to get as many reps as possible in twenty seconds of burpees and power cleans. Do your best to quickly rebound off of the floor and explode into your jump over the bar. Keep your reps fast and rest after you complete the rep so you can replicate the movement for twenty seconds. For power cleans we’re working on going “touch and go”. That means keeping the barbell let and working on efficiency while you knock out a few reps. Advanced athletes will be able to get ten reps with a moderate load of 135/95 lb. Remember to practice efficient mechanics and use this as technique work rather than max effort lifting practice.
AMRAP in 7 Minutes
5 Strict Press 115/75 lb
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
Workout notes
This short couplet pairs a strength movement with a conditioning movement. You should be able to hit a set of five strict press very easily during your warm up and well into the workout with our chosen weight. For strict press, the benchmark load is substantial so be conservative and use a weight you know you could get multiple rounds unbroken. Do your best to move quickly on the box and get back to the barbell.