EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Hang Squat Clean
We’re working on lifting technique today. Start by deadlifting the bar into the hang position. You will then retrace the bar slightly down your legs by bending first at the knees and then bowing forward with the hips. Pull into full extension and squat clean the bar. Practice catching the bar with your elbows up and bearing the load on your torso. If you are new to lifting practice a smooth transition from where you catch the bar into the bottom of your squat. Plan to add weight as you go to end up with a few challenging lifts in the last 2-3 minutes. If you are confident with this lift and are feeling good build up to a PR attempt in minute 10!
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
Sit-ups w/ medicine ball 20/14 lb
Thrusters 95/65 lb
Workout notes
Today we have a couplet with two difficult movements. The rep scheme is an ascending ladder that goes up by 6 reps each round. This will increase the difficulty of each movement as the reps increase while you are under fatigue. Thrusters will most likely be the more difficult movement of the two but the sit-ups should give you a few seconds to let your legs recover. The suggested load on the barbell is on the lighter side so warm up to a weight you could perform 15 thrusters or so unbroken. Most of us will need to break up the thrusters in order to keep moving with intensity so break them up early and often.