At Home WOD
For time:
mountain climbers
overhead walking lunge steps
Workout Notes
After heavy debate we decided to choose mountain climbers over thrusters for this rep scheme. You can thank us later for that! Start the workout with sixty-three mountain climbers followed by twenty-one overhead walking lunge steps. Continue to progress until you complete the last round of nine mountain climbers and three overhead walking lunge steps. Start each set of mountain climbers in high plank position, bring one knee towards your chest finishing each rep in runner’s position. Alternate back and forth quickly. Next, move on to the overhead walking lunge steps. Start with a snatch or clean and jerk to get your weight overhead. Lock out completely keeping your arm as vertical as possible. As you are lunging, aim to keep your chest tall and your steps smooth. Alternate arms however you would like, but shoot for equal work on each side. Let your coach know if you have any questions. See you all at 9am zoom!