EMOM for 10 Minutes
Straight set of Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
In this skill work you will be attempting a set of handstand push-ups every minute for 10 minutes. Treat this as skill work and do not do a max set. Performing 2-3 well timed reps with a solid kip will be more beneficial than trying to max out and hit failure. A successful EMOM like this would be hitting the same number every round. This is a higher skill gymnastic movement that requires a lot of upper body strength. A great way to scale the movement for individuals that are comfortable being inverted and have the strength, is stacking 1 or 2 abmats. More than 2 abmats will take away from the technique and range of motion of a HSPU. To scale this movement complete pike push-ups, as these work through a similar range of motion and will build up the strength needed for handstand push-ups. For pike push-ups keep your legs straight as you complete each rep. At the bottom of each rep your hands and head should create a triangle. To increase the difficulty of the pike push-up try putting your feet on a box. Seated dumbbell strict press are also a great scaling option for this skill to help build overhead pressing strength.
for time
Front Squat 155/105 lb
Lateral Burpee Over the Bar
Workout Notes: Today’s workout is a couplet of front squats and burpees with a lateral bar hop. The weight on your bar should not be terribly heavy today. You will be performing 55 reps of each movement so keep that in mind when choosing your weight for the front squat. Your reps will be descending so the bulk of the workout will be done in the first few rounds. Plan to be able to get rounds 10-7 done in 2 sets on the barbell. The burpees will be performed laterally next to your barbell with a hop over your bar for every rep. This movement can be scaled by stepping over the bar, but try to maintain the hop if you start with it from the beginning!