EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Split Jerk w/ pause in the bottom of split position
We’re finishing off the week with some split jerk technique work. Adding the pause will increase the difficulty of the lift so focus on an upright dip and drive to send the bar overhead. In the split position make sure you are distributing your weight equally over both feet with your front foot toed in slightly and your back foot planted on the ball of the foot with your back heel off the ground. Start with a light load and add weight in small increments if you are new to this lift.
AMRAP in 7 Minutes
30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 lb 10/9′
30 Box Jump 24/20 ”
Workout Notes: Today is your chance to give our new soft boxes a try! The workout today is a short burner with a larger set of wall ball shots followed by a big set of box jumps. Focus on landing with your chest up and knees over your feet on the top of the box before standing tall to complete the rep. If you need to scale the box jump height choose to jump to a lower box rather than stepping up to a higher one. Choose a medicine ball that allows you to hit a full depth squat every rep while also reaching the 9 or 10′ target height. If you have any trouble with maintaining depth on your squats as you fatigue grab an extra medicine ball to put behind you and use that as your target. If classes are busy this workout can be run in heats if needed.