10 minutes of handstand practice
Get upside down and practice your balance and stability in the handstand! Check with your coach for drill recommendations. Below is a list of handstand drills in roughly ascending order of difficulty:
Box shoulder stand
Wall walk
Kick up against wall
Crow stand
Freestanding kick up
Handstand walk
Freestanding static hold
Handstand walk obstacles (slalom, flat ground)
Handstand walk obstacles (up ramp, down stairs)
Handstand walk obstacles (up stairs, down ramp)
Workout of the Day
4 rounds:
90 seconds of strict pull ups
30 seconds of rest
90 seconds of calories
30 seconds of rest
At the start of each work interval (the pull ups and the calories), complete 30 double unders.
Choose a jump rope difficulty that you can finish in about 20 seconds; you should have close to a full minute on the strict pull ups and the machine each round. Pick a challenging pull up difficulty and do your best to hang on to it. Push the pace on the machine!
standard and rx: as written
sport: strict chest to bar
metcon: 8×90 seconds on, 30 seconds off