May 20, 2021

EMOM for 10 minutes
straight set of kipping toe to bar

Practice the kipping swing before the skill work starts to decide if you’re ready for a full toes to bar or if knees to chest is a better option. There are lots of ways to practice this skill even if you can’t string together reps yet or get your toes to the bar. Your coach will help you find the best option for you! If for any reason you don’t want to hang from the bar today you can choose to do a straight set of V-ups, hollow rocks, sit-ups or a plank hold.

Workout of the Day
6 rounds of 30 seconds at each station
walking lunge steps

We’re taking a break from the weights today for an all bodyweight workout. You’ll have six rounds of thirty second intervals to complete as many reps of both lunges and strict push-ups. As always hold yourself to a high standard when it comes to push-ups. You can work from your toes, knees or with your hands on a box. Whatever version you choose make sure your reps are full range of motion and strict. Full range of motion = your chest taps the ground and your arms fully straighten at the top of each rep. Strict = your torso and trunk stays tight through the whole rep without relaxing or resting at the bottom of your push-up. Your coach will give you some tips to make sure you are getting the most out of your work when it comes to push-ups. Your score will be total reps today, go for it!

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