EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Power Clean
We’re working on a simple weightlifting movement in today’s skill work. You will have ten opportunities to work up to a strong effort power clean. Start by pulling the bar off of the floor with the hips low and your chest up. After the bar passes your knees aggressively open the hips to create vertical drive on the bar. Quickly drop into a partial squat while you drive your elbows up to receive the bar at the shoulders prior to standing up. Do your best to hit each position in the lift rather than yanking the bar off of the floor just to hit a heavy number. If you are new to the lift keep the load in the light to moderate range rather than increasing to max effort.
3 Rounds for time
50 Sit-ups
400M Run
30 Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
Workout notes
This workout is a three round task priority workout with high rep sets of sit-ups and kettlebell swings. Each round starts with a set of fifty sit-ups. Work through the sit-ups at a quick but sustainable pace and do your best to keep the intensity high during the runs. A set of fifty sit-ups is on the larger side so you should be ready to run in round one and fairly recovered for round two and three. Our kettlebell swings come in a large set as well. Use a weight with which you can start each round with by knocking out most of the reps in one effort and then chip away with a couple of small sets to get through all thirty reps. In the end your score will be the total time it takes for you to complete all three rounds. If the volume looks to be on the higher side for you, plan on cutting the reps to 35 and 20 rather than 50 and 30 for each round.