Lunge Kick to Freestanding Handstand
Have some fun with the skill work today! Make several attempts kick into and hold a free standing handstand. For beginners start by just gently rocking up into the upside down position and increase the height of your legs with each attempt. Don’t go all out in the beginning and turn over too far. Make sure to start with locked out arms and have a bail out plan or partner assist in place so you don’t come crashing down.
“Strict Nicole” *
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
400M Run
Max Set Strict Pull-Ups
*Five reps minimum each round
Workout notes: This workout is a twist on the classic CrossFit workout “Nicole”. Your score will be your total number of rounds and your total number of reps on the pull-ups. The standard for the workout will be “strict” pull-ups so use whatever scaling method you normally use to perform strict pull-ups as long as you can do at least 5. If you are new to the movement and only performing a couple of reps each round set a 5 rep minimum so you can get some work in. Remember in this format the run is not really considered recovery so keep your pace up in each round.