May 6, 2013

New Class times start TODAY!!  We will now be running our 4:45 class Monday-Thursday! This class will be a condensed version of a regular class, but there will still be time for strength AND the WOD during these classes. We will be packing all the fun in to 45 minutes! Hope to see some of you there!  


10×1 Weighted Pull-Up

Work up to a 1RM weighted pull-up. When you’ve found your max for the day. Finish the rest of your reps at about 80%.  If you’re working the bands do max effort sets in the 4-5 rep range with as little assistance as possible.



3 Rounds for time of 

20 2-Count Mountain Climbers
10 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
5 Push Jerk 135/95lbs